High School and Collegiate Membership

Membership Options

All Memberships are Represented: The NCCW Board of Directors, Staff, and other volunteers work closely with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, the United Nations  and World Union of Catholic   Women’s Organisations (WUCWO): representing the interests of Catholic women in service to the Church. Your membership ensures the united voices of Catholic women will be heard.

Leadership, Service, Spirituality: NCCW members  incorporate gospel values in their activities with a commitment to the dignity of all human life, to   strengthen families, build better communities, and address societal problems at home and abroad. NCCW provides leadership, education, and advocacy on many contemporary issues, including social and economic justice, domestic violence, homelessness and human trafficking. NCCW  offers their members resources for personal spiritual growth and  development.

High School Membership (Grades 9-12)


Individual Student Membership  ensures that you will receive our quarterly magazine, Catholic Woman, via personal electronic subscription.  You will also receive a monthly newsletter and communiques via email to keep you  informed.

Annual Dues: $5.00


Affiliate Group Membership ensures that your group will receive our quarterly magazine, Catholic Woman, that  reports on the issues and activities that are being addressed by your National Council of Catholic Women in today's world — locally, nationally and globally.  You will also receive a monthly newsletter and communiques via email to keep you and your group informed.

Annual Dues: $50.00

*Each student must register as an Individual Member with National.


Collegiate Membership


Individual Student Membership  ensures that you will receive our quarterly magazine, Catholic Woman, via personal electronic subscription.    You will also receive a monthly newsletter and communiques via email to keep you  informed.

Annual Dues: $10.00


Affiliate Group Membership ensures that your group will receive our quarterly magazine, Catholic Woman, that  reports on the issues and activities that are being addressed by your National Council of Catholic Women in today's world — locally, nationally and globally.  You will also receive a monthly newsletter and communiques via email to keep you and your group informed.

Annual Dues: $50.00

*Each student must register as an Individual Member with National.

All memberships include a subscription to the resources of Education for Justice.

Contact the National Office for more information, 703-224-0990 or nccw01@nccw.org.